Dealmaker and Deal-breaker in the Relationship!

Mansi Arora
4 min readFeb 19, 2021


A relationship is a beautiful bond shared by two imperfect people making it completely perfect. In these times, it could be seen, after marrying a person for many years, the couple calls it a ‘quit’, and put an end to a relationship, in the blink of an eye. Have you ever wondered what could be the deal breaker in a relationship? No, then this article will put light on some of the deal breakers for couples who are either married, dating each other, are in courtship or stuck in a marriage.

The marriage is a match made in heaven and the union of two souls. To marry, you frame an ideal picture of your partner, focusing on good looks, sense of humor, money, intelligence and other factors. Many thoughts may run through the mind if the relationship would work or not while dating or choosing the right partner.

Further, after marriage, Though, it’s not easy to form an understanding in the very beginning. Luckily, if you had a good start where everything seems to be in bliss and full of fantasies with your partner. The connection between the two grows stronger by

But, sometimes things get ugly when the relationship turns toxic and unhealthy. Just as there are instances you don’t want to remember in life. In the same way, there are things that you don’t want in your relationship, these things are called deal-breakers.

In this 21st century, women are always taught to make adjustments and make compromises in their relationship and this trend has been followed from time immemorial. Yes, Indeed! Everyone should try to save and give chance to the relationship till the time you can keep up the hope. In these situations, Dealmakers can help couples to make a relationship strong and beautiful.

Still, there are some deal breakers in the relationship that varnishes the love between the couple with a call off.

Dear Readers! Let us understand, Some of the deal-breakers that can make a bond doleful, venomous and damaging whereas, the dealmakers which can make the relationship a beautiful one full of unconditional love, purity, and selflessness.

Deal-breaker: Being ABUSIVE is considered the biggest turn down in the relationship. Abuse of any kind, whether anger/verbal abuse, isolation, economic/financial abuse, Silent abuse should not be tolerated. It is very damaging for the mind, body and soul. You should break off that relationship where there is beating, breadcrumbing, ghosting and gas lighting. Such kind of behavior is done by either sociopaths or narcissists. This psychotic behavior can leave you distressed and in pain.

Dealmaker: Having mutual RESPECT is integral to the relationship. Couples should always show respect for each other when in between the family and in society. It builds confidence and credence towards each other to lead the life in a better manner. Partners look for security and protection. A controlling behavior in a partner is not

Deal-breaker: A DISHONEST partner will cross all limits to hide the truth and will have a dual personality. Then, it is difficult to judge the partner when the transparency gets lost. Wasting time and emotions of a person who is lying about your whereabouts, past relationships, your failures are a big NO in a relationship. You should remember if you chose to be with someone you love, you should not break their heart by hiding things from them. Cheating your partner can give a major heartbreak and a setback to the significant other.

Dealmaker: HONESTY AND TRUST, is the foundation-stone of any relationship. It is said, ‘trust’ is like a piece of paper, once it’s crumbled-up it cannot take its original shape. Similarly, if the trust is broken, it cannot be regained at any cost. It is considered a good gesture if you tell your significant other from the very beginning who you are and what do you expect from each other and in the relationship. Being honest in a relationship will build faith in one another.

Deal-breaker: UNDERSTANDING plays a very vital role in a relationship as it is two completely strange people sharing a beautiful bond. One cannot have the same likes and dislikes as the other, it is being more aware and sensitive to the other person. It is said understanding is deeper than knowledge as there can be many people who know you and very few who understand you. Thus, understanding makes the relationship smooth and easy-going.

Dealmaker: COMMUNICATION is one of the chivalrous traits of the partners if they are good at communication which creates faith in one another. Couples can polish each other by communicating everything and make the situations less stressful. A good sense of humor also plays an important role. Kind and jolly nature of a partner can turn a dull and lifeless relationship into a passionate and adventurous one.

Deal-breaker: Being an ALCOHOLIC, it’s recommended when it comes to drinking, everything is good when done within limits but the excess of anything is bad. Most of the relationship today gets damaged because of this element in a relationship. If your significant other gets addicted to drinking and start abusing as an escape to worldly problems and stress will make the relationship less compatible. Even if you are having a strong connection with your partner and how many promises you make an urge to drink will always be there in mind that may lead to lying to your partner.

Dealmaker: COMPATIBILITY AND CONSIDERATION, In reality, if there is an emotional connection between the couple there will be acceptance and adjustments. In these modern times, freedom and respect are neither asked nor demanded by your partner. A relationship is all about love, equality and companionship. Conditions are not kept in an experienced relationship. And it’s a wonder to find someone with similar nature and tempo, where the partner is considerate to make you part of all the decisions that are being taken in life.

Happy Loving!

Happy Reading!



Mansi Arora

Digital Writopreneur/Pre-School Teacher/ Loves Artwork and Jewellery designing/ Music Lover/ Believes in Simplicity of life, mind, heart and soul/ A True Sag.