Travel for leisure and with no worries was heard but when did all people start carrying emotional baggage with them?

Mansi Arora
2 min readJun 14, 2024

You believe that love is pure and has the power to change a person’s life. However, if you don’t receive it from the right person, it can leave you feeling empty and flawed. It can make you feel vulnerable and unaware of your true self.

You discover the hidden thoughts and emotions in your subconscious that may be holding you back.

You may be tempted to distract yourself or convince yourself that everything is okay and you have moved on from your past. Still, Whenever there’s a hint of disappointment or an unexpected setback, that old baggage resurfaces.

Then, You begin to analyze not only what others have done to you, but also your own actions and inactions in your own reality.

By continuously dwelling on the same thoughts and responses, you are essentially reliving and projecting your past experiences onto the present moment!

It’s important to keep in mind that it can be incredibly exhausting not being able to let go of things.

[‘’ It’s not your vision that’s pained, but the presence of injustice.

The pain you feel is not in your back, but in the weight you carry.

The pain isn’t in your head, it’s in your thoughts.

It’s not just about the words you speak, but also about the emotions you convey or suppress.

The pain isn’t in the stomach but in the soul’s inability to digest.

The pain isn’t coming from the liver, it’s rooted in anger.

The pain you feel isn’t from a broken heart but from the challenges and imperfections inherent in love and life.’’]

Now tell me.

When is a good time to start addressing your emotional baggage and working on your mental health?

•Focus on the present moment

•Start Journaling!


•Consistent check of mental inventory

•Talk to someone

•Therapeutic writing

•Take your time with yourself, be gentle, understanding & kind

•But do the work.

Release your emotional baggage to move forward on life’s journey!






Mansi Arora

Digital Writopreneur/Pre-School Teacher/ Loves Artwork and Jewellery designing/ Music Lover/ Believes in Simplicity of life, mind, heart and soul/ A True Sag.