Quote by- Writopreneur

The 11 Principles of Success.

Mansi Arora
6 min readFeb 14, 2021


Have you ever thought about how people achieve success? How their success stories inspire others? If not, then you have landed on the right page where you will find fundamental principles to achieve success.

Success is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires years of hard work and patience to break through all the obstacles. Also, achieving success in this competitive world is not so easy. To increase your chances of succeeding, you must follow these principles that will help you to achieve your goals and bring unmatchable stardom.

1. Work

There are numerous definitions of work. In simple terms, it could be defined as an activity that produces something of value for others. To survive in this world, you must work to earn for living. You should be physically and mentally strong to perform any type of task. Laborers, painters, carpenters, drivers, miners, and farmers work hard to get bread and butter for their families. They get an average salary and are satisfied with their lives. Their families are also proud of their work, so they never look down on them. Similarly, doctors, teachers, and lawyers also dedicate their services to the betterment of society. These professions are considered respectful among most people.

All types of work are not equal as per our society. You should always recognize and appreciate the work of laborers and clerks without judging them. People who follow the mantra of “working to live” do not utilize their life goals properly as they blindly run in the rat race to get success and money. You should enjoy your work with passion and zeal rather than dragging yourself to the job. Also, it is mentioned in the sacred scripture Upanishad that you should always do your karma (work) without thinking about the fruit (result). Eventually, it will lead you to fame and success in the long run.

2. Self-development

If you work on yourself by making minor changes in your daily routine, then you will certainly achieve success. Change habits that lead to procrastination and maintain your health by going for a walk, sitting in a quiet place, and being grateful for what you have. Set some long-term and short-term goals and practice positive affirmations. Do whatever fuels your passion. Be clear about your mission and vision in life. Then, you can become a potential leader by bringing out the best version of yourself and achieve success ultimately.

3. Be Cheerful

You should always be happy and cheerful at work because people appreciate those who are confident and capable. This positive energy is contagious and enhances your personality, thus making you more attractive. You should always focus on the present rather than becoming anxious about your past and future. Your cheerful attitude will inspire others to be happy in any situation. If you keep looking at things from a positive perspective, you will become more productive to achieve your goals.

4. Universal Love

Loving your work comes naturally when you are passionate about it. You will experience true joy from inside that will motivate you to go in the right direction. If you are not happy in your personal and professional life, then understand that universe is telling you to make some changes. You should never ignore your intuition and always follow your inner voice to fulfil your dreams and aspirations.

5. Fearlessness

A fearless mindset aligned with your purpose in life will help you in making a successful career. You will be more courageous to try new challenges and welcome new opportunities. If you get bored with the mundane job and wish to become something that you aspire, then you must be curious about achieving those goals. You need to step out of your comfort zone and become fearless in anything that you want to pursue. You should be mentally prepared to face failures and criticism in your life and start afresh. Be fearless and no one will harm you.

6. Working in a team

Being self-reliant is important. There are many situations in your life when you have to make decisions and solve problems on your own. This will make you more independent as you grow older. You will feel a sense of accomplishment as you achieve your goals. Although, there is nothing wrong when asking for help. Working together as a team will help you to get your task done in a short period. This will also strengthen your networking and communication skills. You must support each other regardless of the conditions. You can assign certain tasks to your team members according to their expertise. Also, as a leader, you must give due credits to your team members whenever you accomplish a project. Eventually, you will earn respect and people would love to work with you.

7. Patience

Sometimes things don’t go as you planned and you start losing patience. This type of rude behavior leaves a bad impression on other people. You must be patient when working with your peers and junior employees in the workplace. Rejections are bound to happen and being patient in such circumstances will make you a mature person. You have to learn to be tolerant enough to accept failures or dismissal from a task.

8. Upgrade your skills

You should always try to upgrade yourself with a new skill set or learn anything new in the market. Learning new skills will help you to succeed in life and achieve career goals. Being up-to-date with the trends will make you a dynamic person in various fields. It will increase your chances of getting hired because employers often look for a candidate who is competent, confident, and aware of the latest trends. Therefore, employees should always cater to the needs of the market which keeps changing rapidly.

9. Become an avid reader

Reading is important for everyone regardless of the field you belong to. Reading helps you grow as a person who can feel emotions and is empathic toward others. Books are a great source of information and motivation. Reading helps you discover a new world of imagination. It reduces stress so that you can sleep better. Books can also polish your vocabulary and communication skills. Moreover, they help you to gain knowledge and increase concentration. Thus, reading books is a constructive habit that keeps you updated.

10. Self-branding

Gone are the days when personal branding was only done for celebrities and big business enterprises. In this new era, personal branding is important. You have to figure out the unique features that make you different from the others. Be consistent in what you are doing. Promote yourself on social media to reach your target audience. Always take feedback from your peers and audience to see their perspective. As an entrepreneur, you must provide value and connect with your or the company’s mission statement. This will help you stand out from the crowd resulting in successful branding.

11. Research

Everyone is a natural researcher, be it for a school project or buying a new product. First of all, you have to create a skeleton and find appropriate sources to obtain information. Researching at the starting and end of any project is essential. It will help you to understand the demands of your customers and observe the changes occurring in the market or industry. Improvements can be done on the product by conducting polls and surveys. Creating a systematic research plan will generate solutions to your problems. It will also help the company in creating new products and providing more value to the existing ones.

Man is the master of his destiny. Success is not limited in your career as it covers all aspects of your life. Having healthy relationships, achieving short-term goals, or even conquering your fears also makes you successful. You should stay productive by working and learning every day. Everything doesn’t come easy in life, you should learn to face rejections, take risks and work hard for them. During tough times, have faith in yourself and practice positive affirmations to keep going. Success will come to you in abundance if you are consistent in your efforts. If you found this article insightful, then feel free to share your thoughts and success stories in the comment section.

Wishing You A Great Victory!

Happy Reading!



Mansi Arora

Digital Writopreneur/Pre-School Teacher/ Loves Artwork and Jewellery designing/ Music Lover/ Believes in Simplicity of life, mind, heart and soul/ A True Sag.