The Secret of the Fulfillment of Desires

Mansi Arora
5 min readFeb 19, 2021


In this era (Kalyug), the human mind is full of dreams and desires. Some become successful while others do not. Unfulfilled aspirations give birth to dissatisfaction, jealousy, and distress in our minds. This article shares a unique and interesting story of a person whose life lessons will inspire you to work hard for your dreams and live a happy life.

Life is short while our list of dreams and ambitions are endless. We try our best to fulfill them, but due to certain circumstances, they remain incomplete. We should never accept defeat and keep working on our goals to live a happy life. An example of such an undying spirit is Shivlal Bhaiya, as we used to call him. He lives in the Gram Bhuda village, Nainital Road, Bareilly. His family consists of 13 members. Ever since he devotes his whole life to the village and works as a driver for his family’s survival.

Family and Profession

Before getting this job, he used to work in IVRI (Indian Veterinary Research Institute) as a casual worker. In his free time, he drove a private taxi for his livelihood. He is married to Kalawati and has three sons. At that time, having a son was a blessing. He raised them by working harder for their upbringing and better education.

He says, “If you are rich, your greed is princely. And if you are poor, your greed is less”. A villager’s desire would only limit to food, shelter, and other necessities. As his sons grew, his desire to earn more for his family increased. He approached my grandfather for financial help. My family had a battery business in “Eveready” company, then it shifted to marketing and selling of Cibaca and Binaca toothpaste companies.

He still remembers the minor details of the manufactured products. He told me that there were three types of cells in three different colors. He used to drive a tempo with an employee for marketing and selling those products. During that time also, he had a part-time job early in the morning. He mentioned, “ I never stopped working amid hardships and have my share of struggles and experiences in my life.”

Realizing the Importance of Education

He recalled those golden days when he worked for Cibaca and Binaca. In 1994, Colgate and Palmolive took over Cibaca company. Besides toothpaste and toothbrushes, the brand sold goods such as erasers, miniature animal models, stickers, etc.

All his memories came in front of his eyes as flashbacks. He emphasized education which is very important for everyone.

I asked curiously, “Were you not able to pursue education?”

Shivlal Bhaiya sighed and continued talking, “Earning 500 INR was not enough. I faced various challenges as I had a bicycle that was welded from various parts. I seriously felt that education was very important in life. If I had a chance of pursuing an education, I would have escaped from here and started over a city life rather than becoming a driver.”

“God has a plan for everyone’s destiny. We can only try and work towards our dreams and desires. If it is meant to happen, it will happen anyway. It will give immense happiness for some time, but after that, another desire grows within us. Some are created by us and some were the urgent call of the situation”. He said

Driving and Farming

He was driving along with farming. He told me about the crops that were grown in his lands, such as lady’s finger, potato, rice, and wheat. He started with preparing the field, sowing the crops, and watering them at regular intervals. Rice was sown in June and wheat in October and November. He dedicated 60 years of his life as a driver. Now, he is a grandfather of 5 kids.

I asked him “Are you happy and satisfied with your life?”

He laughed and said, “As per my experience, no one is ever happy in his entire life. Some are deprived of money, health or children. One thing or other remains incomplete.”

Bonded Labor System

He further adds while explaining a quote “The rich should always respect the laborers for the work they do. If you have money, give them to the employees for their loyalty and honesty. Once that trust is built, they start taking the staff for granted, treating them like robots. If they don’t work properly, they threaten them with replacements. Somehow, rich people get their work done through any resource or alternative.”

If an employee wanted to free himself from a coop, he won’t be able to do so because he has nowhere to go now. He must keep doing the job. Otherwise, he must have the courage to take risks and turn the tables in his favor to create his destiny.”

I asked, “Have you ever thought of changing your job, in case you felt dissatisfied?”

He answered, “I am happy with my job and pray to God to give me the strength to do the job till my last breath. I have fulfilled all my responsibilities toward my sons to help them settle down in their life. Now, I am content with my life. I chose to work without worrying about the result, preferred satisfaction over money. I am in the most blissful state I know that worldly desires will never come to an end. Looking back at things I could not get gives me sleepless nights and regrets.

To conclude, I asked him one last question “What did you earn from your life in these 60 years?”

He said,” I have lived my life with sincerity and honesty. As a villager, I have achieved so much because I have worked as a farmer and a driver at the same time. I do my job and got paid. I am a man of simple needs. Everyone should be grateful at times of sorrow and happiness. Many obstacles will come, everyone must face them with courage without backing down.

I hope you have found the little secret to fulfill your desires. If you are inspired by Shivlal Bhaiya’s story, share your thoughts in the comment section.

Happy Reading!



Mansi Arora

Digital Writopreneur/Pre-School Teacher/ Loves Artwork and Jewellery designing/ Music Lover/ Believes in Simplicity of life, mind, heart and soul/ A True Sag.